"Hope for the future" is now published

Marine litter

Wednesday 09 November 2022

Tackling plastic pollution in Mediterranean islands requires know-how and motivation. But also hope, and this is what the report Hope for the future: successful solutions for plastic pollution in the Mediterranean islands by the BeMed-Islands Community intends to convey in its sixty pages.

Hope in businesses moving away from single-use plastics, public authorities implementing comprehensive action plans, or citizens involved in participatory science and changing their consumption habits.

MedWaves and SMILO are intensifying efforts at the final stage of the capitalisation process for BeMed supported projects in islands. This magazine is a milestone to promote the legacy of the BeMed-Islands community, and inspire others to join towards a common goal: litter-free Mediterranean islands.

The magazine is a journey across Mediterranean islands, where we dialogue with the heroes who are winning the fight against plastic leakage.

˝There is a need for us to work as a community and to be better coordinated to break silos if we are to effectively deal with the marine litter problem.”
Magali Outters from MedWaves

“If our change hits critical mass, others are bound to follow.”
Myrto Pispini from Save the Med Foundation (Balearic Islands)

Hope for the future has been launched at the occasion of the event “Solutions for waste-free islands in the Mediterranean” in Frioul island, South of France on 9th November 2022.

Download the magazine below: