Workshop on the progress of MAP/MedProgramme activities in relation to persistent organic pollutants and mercury.
The Mediterranean Sea Program (MedProgramme) comprises a set of eight sub-projects funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), including one aimed at reducing pollution from harmful chemicals and wastes in Mediterranean areas seriously polluted and measuring the progress made.
In order to reduce persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and toxic chemicals such as mercury in the long term, a pilot activity is being implemented in Tunisia by UNEP/MAP in collaboration with Medwaves center.
In this context, an information and discussion workshop with the main stakeholders will take place from June 13 to 15 at the HOTEL SHERATON – TUNIS to:
- Present the results and data collected on the POPs and mercury inventories.
- Present the map of prioritization of POP sampling sites and analysis methodologies for PFAS, HBCD.
- Provide awareness content for politicians, senior officials, etc., on the management of POPs and devices containing mercury and mercury wastes (technical aspects).
- Provide training on everything related to the SAFE ALTERNATIVES AND SUBSTITUTIONS PROCESS
- Present the status of legislation with mandatory provisions to restrict the import, export and use of PFOS-PFOA and HBCD based on the requirements of the Stockholm Convention, but also updating legislation/provisions related to mercury in medical devices (product standards) and phasing them out.