STAND Up! Call for technical assistance to trace the impacts of a fashion start-up in Spain

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Monday 13 March 2023

STAND Up! launches a call for technical assistance to trace and communicate the environmental impacts of a fashion start-up in Spain

Selected experts will audit vectors impacted throughout the value chain of the company and the life cycle of the product.

The leading partner of the STAND Up! project MedWaves, UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP, has opened a call for technical assistance to verify and track the environmental impacts of a fashion start-up’s products and summarise them in environmental impact indicators (water management, global warming, resource depletion, eutrophication).

The selected professional will have to verify and track the environmental vectors impacted throughout the company’s value chain and life cycle of the products, which will be shirts, t-shirts, dresses, coats made of wool, cotton, silk or jeans.

From the extraction of raw materials, material and wet processing, to production, transport and packaging. The environmental vectors to be assessed are related to water management, CO2 emissions, eutrophication and resource depletion.

The tracking and preparation of impact data, as well as the audit itself, should be provided through a Software as a service platform (SaaS) for at least 150 products under review and the resulting data made available for 21 months.

The data obtained should be ready to be communicated by the start-up in an easy, attractive and convincing online format to its customers and stakeholders.

It is important to note that the assignee will be required to:

  • Provide access to MedWaves and the start-up of the Software as a Service platform. Two different accounts will be provided.
  • Search, in case of missing information and data, for references on external databases providing constant support to resolve doubts and upload data provided by the start-up.
  • Make the final data collected on the identified platform and for the agreed period (21 months) available for use by the start-up in its communication flow, website and media.

Interested candidates can consult the detailed Tor of Reference (ToR), which carefully describes the necessary documents, the content of the assignment (description, deliverables, and timetable), the eligibility criteria for candidates, the application, and the selection process.

The deadline to apply is 20th March 2023 (included)

Offers must be sent to Anna Ibañez ( and Alessandro Miraglia ( with the subject “Analysis and communication of environmental impacts”.