STAND Up!: call for technical assistance to mentor a sustainable fashion start-up

Work With Us

Monday 13 March 2023

STAND Up! opens a call for technical assistance to mentor a sustainable fashion start-up.

MedWaves the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for SCP, as STAND up! Lead Partner has launched a call for tenders to select a mentorship service for a sustainable fashion start-up delivering assistance to improve and develop its business, financial and sustainability strategies.

At the heart of the assignment will be the support provided to the young venture approaching the clothing sector in the elaboration of the company’s scaling-up strategy, providing financial advice and developing a three-year financial plan and improving the sustainability strategy.

The most relevant tasks that the mentor should finalise within the framework of the assignment are:

  1. Analysing and evaluating the start-up business to understand its current situation, including business strategy, cash flows and sustainability actions.
  2. To advise on financial aspects, including financial statements and income statements.
  3. To support the venture in designing a three-year business plan helping to schedule its activities and attract interested investors.
  4. To provide advice on a broader integration of the sustainability element in the start-up’s action plan by proposing an eco-design approach at different stages of the product life cycle.

The consultant should use MedWaves’ sustainable business development methodologies, available from The Switchers Toolbox.

Interested candidates can consult the detailed Tor of Reference (ToR), which carefully describes the necessary documents, the content of the assignment (description, deliverables and timetable), the eligibility criteria for candidates, the application and selection process.

Offers must be sent to Anna Ibañez ( and Alessandro Miraglia ( with the subject “Sustainable business strategy development”

The deadline to apply is 23th March 2023 (included)