The Switchers Policy Hub, the new space for policymakers working for the green and circular transition in the Mediterranean, is now launched. Join us!


Tuesday 13 December 2022

We invite all policy-makers and interested users to visit the Switchers Policy Hub and to join its Virtual Community.

The Switchers Policy Hub ( is an initiative led by MedWaves, the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Center for SCP, as part of the SwitchMed Policy activities, that aim to support Mediterranean countries to have in place legal and policy frameworks enabling the switch to an inclusive Circular Economy. Under this mission mandated by the Barcelona Convention Contracting Parties (Decision IG. 25/18), the Switchers Policy Hub will contribute to information exchange and peer learning on policy instruments to boost the development of green and circular businesses. Activities to be organised will engage countries from both shores of the Mediterranean sea, with a particular attention to build capacities of Southern Mediterranean countries, beneficiaries of switchMed.

The Switchers Policy Hub online platform, that has been recently launched, provides a comprehensive compilation of Publications, Best Practices, Events and Policy Tools on Green, Circular and Blue Economy topics that are considered relevant for Policymakers in the region. Likewise, the information gathered in the platform will be complemented by online webinars, workshops and technical support to policy-makers. MedWaves will adopt a flexible approach and adapt as much as possible on the demands received by the members of the Community.

The Policy Hub also counts with a Virtual Community of Practice, consisting of a recently launched Linkedin Group (, where practitioners will receive the latest updates and will be able to interact directly with the community, share news or pose questions about challenges they might be facing in their work.

Finally, the Policy Hub will provide a regular tailored newsletter, were up-to-date information on relevant initiatives, studies and policy instruments will be provided.

We invite policy-makers and other interested users to do 3 simple things to be part of this community:
– visit the Switchers Policy Hub online platform and record the address,
– subscribe to the Policy Hub Newsletter: here
– join its Virtual Community of Practice in LinkedIn: here