CapiMed-Islands is a capitalisation initiative to maximize the impact of numerous BeMed projects in islands with one common goal: litter-free islands. Building a community, transferring results and impacting policies are the ingredients for success
Capitalization projectThe resilience of small islands demonstrates that it is possible to create solutions.
The power to overcome pervasive marine plastic pollution and truly establish sustainable solutions is why islands are leaders of change. CapiMed-Islands is dedicated to supporting the leaders in the Mediterranean, ensuring the restoration of healthy ecosystems by reducing plastic pollution.
The beauty of the Mediterranean islands has drawn tourists for decades, reaching the top of bucket lists across the world. Just below the surface of the breathtaking views, the sea is choking from marine pollution. Marine transport coupled with industrial and touristic activities has deposited 1-10 million plastic particles per square kilometer; causing the Mediterranean Sea to be one of the most polluted in the world.
Despite the daunting challenges in reconciling large quantities of plastics waste and insufficient resources to set up complete sorting and recycling channels, islands are laboratories for innovative solutions. These solutions help to simultaneously restore natural ecosystems and raise awareness within communities and among visitors.
CapiMed-Islands strives for long-term impacts on the reduction of marine litter by providing a capitalisation process to support the Beyond Plastic Med (BeMed) achievements of plastics prevention in the Mediterranean island projects. Three levels of intervention target specific objectives:
BeMed launched a specific islands call for projects in 2020, and the following five projects were selected:
Starting with these projects, the capitalisation process has assembled other BeMed supported projects in a BeMed-Islands community, promoting exchange among them, and facilitating transfer of results and impacting policies.
The CapiMed-Islands project supports BeMed beneficiaries by (also considering other recent and ongoing BeMed micro-initiatives related to islands):
MedWaves is the lead partner of the initiative, leading the community building and mainstreaming components. MedWaves plays a key role within the Barcelona Convention framework to support policy making at the regional level and at the national and local levels, with on the ground activities and technical support to the countries. During the last years, the mandate, work and resources for marine litter prevention have been intensified.
MedWaves has a key role due to expertise in marine litter and plastic pollution, as well as actions targeting the different public sectors. MedWaves works with governments to enable policies to tackle plastic pollution; entrepreneurs to prevent the land-based pollution; Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) to set up and implement actions plans to take effective measures against plastic pollution; and NGOs
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